DeFelsko KITFT1 PosiTector Inspection Kit FT1 with Standard Gage Body, 6000-FT Integral Ferrous Coating Thickness Probe, SPG Surface Profile Probe, and DPM Environmental Probe

Price: $ 1,700.00

DeFelsko KITFT1 PosiTector Inspection Kit with Standard Gage Body, 6000-FT, DPM and SPG Probes
DeFelsko BDYSTD PosiTector Standard Body with NEW Larger 2.8" impact resistant color touchscreen with redesigned keypad for quick menu navigation, memory for 1000 data points and USB data output
DeFelsko PRBFT PosiTector 6000 Coating Thickness Integral Probe, 0 - 250 mils (0 - 6 mm), Ferrous Metals
DeFelsko PRBSPG PosiTector SPG Surface Profile Probe
DeFelsko PRBDPM PosiTector DPM Environmental Dew Point Meter Probe

The DeFelsko KITFT1 PosiTector Inspection Kit contains a DeFelsko BDYSTD PosiTector Standard Body with NEW Larger 2.8" impact resistant color touchscreen with redesigned keypad for quick menu navigation, memory for 1000 data points, USB data output and 3 Probes: PosiTector PRBFTcoating thickness integral probe 0 - 6 mm Ferrous Metals, PosiTector PRBDPMenvironmental dew point meter probe and PosiTector PRBSPG surface profile probe

The PosiTector body accepts the PosiTector 6000, DPM, and SPG probes included in the kit easily converting from a coating thickness gauge to a dew point meter or surface profile gauge.

Kit Content

The DeFelsko KITFT1 PosiTector Inspection Kit includes everything needed for testing:

  • PosiTector Standard Gage Body BDYSTD
  • DeFelsko PRBFTPosiTector 6000 Coating Thickness High Integral High Range 6000-FT, 6000 m (0 - 250 mils), Ferrous only
  • DeFelsko PRBDPMPosiTector DPM Environmental Dew Point Meter Probe PRBDPM
  • DeFelsko PRBSPG PosiTector SPG Surface Profile Probe PRBSPG
  • Precision plastic shims, glass zero plate and metal shim
  • Protective rubber holster with belt clip, wrist strap
  • Protective lens shield, 3 AAA alkaline batteries
  • PosiSoft Software and USB cable
  • 3 Long Form Certificates of Calibration traceable to NIST
  • Convenient hard shell case and 3 instruction manuals
  • Two (2) year warranty on gauge body and probes

FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

Click to View DeFelsko PosiTector Inspection Kit Frequently Asked Questions

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  • For general purpose paint and coating applications.


DeFelsko PosiTector Inspection Kit - Literature
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Product Price
DeFelsko KITFT1 PosiTector Inspection Kit FT1 with Standard Gage Body, 6000-FT Integral Ferrous Coating Thickness Probe, SPG Surface Profile Probe, and DPM Environmental Probe $1,700.00
Accessories Price
DeFelsko PRINTERBT Bluetooth Printer for use with PosiTector (Advanced Models): 6000, 200, SPG, RTR H, RTR 3D, DPM, IRT, SST, UTG, SHD, BHI, GLS $340.00
DeFelsko PAPERBT 10 rolls of printer paper (Advanced models) $20.00
DeFelsko STDCSS NIST Certified Plastic Shim Set, Includes 8 Size Shims $225.00
DeFelsko STDZSTL Zero Plates Small - Steel $65.00
DeFelsko STDZALM Zero Plates Small - Aluminum 38mm $65.00
DeFelsko BOOTGAGE Protective Rubber Holster for PosiTector gage bodies $20.00
DeFelsko USBAC AC Power Adapter, 100-230V for use with the PosiTectors 6000, 200, SPG, RTR H, RTR 3D, DPM, IRT, SST, UTG, SHD, BHI for with serial numbers greater than 864000 $45.00
DeFelsko CASEINSP Plastic Inspection Case for use with the PosiTectors 6000, 200, SPG, RTR H, RTR 3D, DPM, IRT, SST, UTG, SHD, BHI $30.00
DeFelsko LENSSHIELD Protective Lens Shield, Pack of 5, for use with the PosiTector 6000, PosiTector 200, PosiTector SPG, PosiTector RTR H, PosiTector RTR 3D, PosiTector DPM, PosiTector IRT, PosiTector SST, PosiTector UTG, PosiTector SHD, PosiTector BHI, PosiTector GLS $10.00
DeFelsko SPGZEROKIT Glass plate and check shim $15.00
DeFelsko SPG30KIT Replacement 30° Tip (SPG/SPG S models only) $100.00
DeFelsko SPG60KIT Replacement 60° Tip $55.00
DeFelsko SPGCSKIT Replacement C Tip $105.00
DeFelsko SPGTSKIT Replacement T Tip $125.00
DeFelsko STDSPG Certified SPG Standards $995.00
DeFelsko SPGOSPRBFOOT Large V-groove adaptor for 12” to 18” pipes (SPGOS only) $45.00
DeFelsko PRBDPMHSP Hand-held Surface Temperature Probe - for spot checking hard-to-reach surfaces (DPMS1 or DPMS3 only) $175.00
DeFelsko PRBDPMLTP Liquid Temperature Probe - general purpose probe with stainless steel shaft (DPMS1 or DPMS3 only) $115.00



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